Getting Complacent About Complacency

The title of today’s blog may sound as if I’m simply try to sound clever or profound but it is a genuine title for a blog on this subject. Just today I was talking about how prolific I’d been so far since I began this blog and suddenly realised that a sense of complacency had set in and that i hadn’t even considered writing a blog today, never mind selecting a subject.

Oh my goodness, this is funny indeed

I’m wary of guarding against complacency so I thought I’d attempt to create an insightful blog about complacency, but instead I’ve stumbled upon a gold mine of quality complacency pictures. In fact, so many that I’ve become complacent and all but disregarded the notion of creating a quality read. So please, just this once… Sit back and enjoy these terrific moments captured with witty captions (And mine!).

Clever, clever stuff

What a beautiful turn of phrase

The picture alone did it for me

I hope someone appreciates the spirit of irony at work here.