A Pint… The Finest Delivery Method

It’s a fair statement to make that the pint is indeed the finest method of delivery when it comes to beer. Whilst as I make this statement I make it purely as a way of expressing my own opinion I know for a fact that there are many who would agree with me on this count. Coincidentally, people who don’t like beer simply have no say on this whatsoever.

It makes you thirsty just to look at it

I’m not sure whether this situation applies to other drinks or not, as I don’t regularly drink drinks such as, for example, cider so I’m really in no position to comment whether it’s better from a pint glass, a bottle, a can or a wheelbarrow. Alcoholics tend to prefer wheelbarrows though, despite the cleanliness factor. Well, each to their own…

I thought deeply about this subject tonight as I drank my pint whilst watching the truly abysmal performance Scotland put on against Sweden; matched only by my performance on the darts board!

It doesn’t really matter what your favourite beer is to know what method of deliverance you prefer (Make mine’s a Tuborg) as I just tend to feel that the taste of a well chilled beer in that big chilled, tall, inviting is just clearly preferable to that of a beer taken from another source.

Tuborg, it's great!

Often though it does depend on your location or circumstances. For example, at T In The Park this year returning to the campsite at midnight and feeling a bit dehydrated after a day in the arena without a huge amount of liquid and in amongst the heat of the crowds jumping around watching some great bands, it must be said that the Be Chilled cans of Tennent’s that Chris and I had pre-ordered which we picked up on our return were very welcome indeed. Or indeed, once when arriving in Strathclyde Union having not had a drink or any sort for several hours and having to wait in a roasting crowded bar the beers recieved in plastic cups were also uproariously welcomed. One could even argue that the first cool bottle of Budweiser, Stella or another such fine beer cracked open at a house party does have a certain degree of sweetness (In sentiment, not necessarily in taste) about it.

Anyone can make up their own mind on this subject, as I certainly confess that these methods can also be excellent given their time and place. But generally, given a choice (Disregarding price) it’s gonna be a pint.